Register with branding .bd domain

.BD is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD for Bangladesh. .BD is administered by the Ministry of Post & Telecommunications of Bangladesh by BTCL (Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board).
We are the authorized .BD Domain name registration service provider of BTCL. Any person / organization from all over the world can apply for registration of domain with .BD and it takes Four (04) to Six (06) Business days to active the domain upon submitting order. .BD Domain can be registered initially for two years and subsequently renewable for further periods of as many years as you want. We encourage submitting order for minimum 2 years. It is very easy, no paper or authorization is required to register a domain in Bangladesh.
It is a great opportunity to open a new market in Bangladesh by registering your .BD domain name.
Registrations are at the third level beneath several second-level labels (com, edu, ac, net, gov, org, and mil), paralleling the oldest gTLDs; registration is open except in the gov and milsubdomains, which are limited to authorized entities in the Bangladesh government but some generic names are barred from registration. Get Started…

Domain extension Registration Renew price BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year BDT 4000 / 2 year